Alcoholic hepatitis score calculator
Age: years
Bilirubin: μmol/l
Albumin: g/l
Urea: mmol/l
Creatinine: μmol/l
Sodium: mmol/l
White cell count: x109/l
Hepatic encephalopathy:
Renal replacement twice in last week: Yes No

I know my patient's Prothombin Time seconds
Estimate PT from INR
Reference PT: seconds

For calculation of the Lille score
Bilirubin on Day 0 corticosteroids: μmol/l
Bilirubin on Day 7 corticosteroids: μmol/l
Notes Entry in US units
AH Scores for your patient
Maddrey Discriminant Function:
Severe disease ≥32

Glasgow Alcoholic Hepatitis Score:
Severe disease ≥9

Severe disease ≥21

Lille Score :
Predictor of steroid response after 7 days of therapy:
≤0.16; complete responder
0.16-0.56; partial responder
≥0.56; null responder

ABIC Score :
Predictor of 90 day mortality:
≤6.71; low risk
6.71-9.0; intermediate risk
≥9.0; high risk

PT used = seconds
From Maddrey and Glasgow scores

From ABIC (steroid treated)

90 day survival by MELD

From Lille

Other liver scores
Child-Pugh Grade(score):